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An in-community black leadership development provider, building capacity for positive advocacy and peer engagement


Image by Joel Muniz



That the socio-cultural challenges black students at British and US universities face can impact their academic achievement and persistence, hence their employability. 


Black, Asian and Minority Ethnicity (BAME) students do not do as well at university compared with their White counterparts – the latest statistics show a 13% attainment gap.


Evidence suggests that Black, Asian and Minority Ethnicity (BAME) students may face specific challenges, and that these are not necessarily addressed by universities’ support structures

We are a community facing solution enabler supporting social impact.

Our solutions are based on lived experience. We work with the VCSE (voluntary organisations, charities and social enterprises as well as community groups, FE (Further Education), HE (Higher Education), local councils and private organisations to deliver social impact programmes targeted at meeting the challenges of our communities dealing with providing leadership, mentoring and involvement in social projects where it impacts their social, cultural, academic and career life. 

We target the future of black students and young people.

Our goal is to help shape their future, providing opportunities and support and give clarity to purpose.

NXT Leaders is supported within the
Changemaker Incubator`of the University of Northampton. We provide leadership and social impact programmes for black(young) people and the people of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) groups to empower and support them through peer engagement, for positive advocacy and community impact.

In partnership with
UK Social Impact Agency- Pluggin, we are a part of the nUK mission to create community leaders who will be central to 'Building Stronger Communities Together".

© 2022 NXT Leaders

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